- I'm not good at either of them.
- Both take time and patience.
- The Lord has lessons for me in both.
To be honest, I've never really earnestly tried to lose weight. I might succeed in dropping a pound or two, but one loaded with salt, fatty delicious Mexican food dinner would set me off course and stop me from trying.
So, almost three weeks ago, I decided to purposely try to lose 10 pounds. I'm tracking what I eat with My Fitness Pal and maintaining my usual exercise routine. While I am losing weight, I see how it takes so much discipline and self-control. These are not my strong suit. I'm seeking the Lord in this, wanting to not make weight loss an idol. But, I'm actually seeing how much food I really need, compared to what I often eat. It's been such a great lesson on needs versus wants. God has been pointing that out to me in other areas, too. Like the woman I met who has a borrowed car to use on Saturdays. The rest of the week, it's the bus or her own two feet. And yet I feel completely stranded if I'm without a car for the afternoon.
I'm also learning about waiting on the Lord. When I get excited about something, I want to run out ahead. There are a couple of ministry opportunities that I want to jump into head first, but I'm trying to wait on the Lord to lead us. It's not easy for me. At all. But, I know He calls us to wait on Him. He'll "fight the battles" for me. So I wait.
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