Weaver addresses the truth that life doesn't always look like what we expect. But, Christ came to make dead men alive, just as He did with Lazarus. We were made to live in fellowship with him.
I liked the chapter "When Love Tarries." Weaver addresses the part of the story when Jesus tarries to return to see His sick friend. She plainly addresses her desire - and mine - to want control of life. "Surrendering the quill of my will has always been a difficult process for me." She does a lovely job of addressing why and how we should wait for the Lord.
Weaver's look at the "tombs" we choose to live in caused me to think about the things in my life that keep me from trusting the Lord fully. Like Lazarus, He gently calls us to "come forth."
My favorite chapter is "Unwinding Graveclothes." Weaver discusses how we can walk alongside others - through prayer and action - to move them to the fullness of life Christ promises each of us. She includes in the appendix further "helpful hints" for serving others.
Finally, she challenges readers to live the joyful, resurrected life we're called to live in Christ.
The book also includes discussion questions and a list of additional resources.
I thought Weaver did an excellent job of unpacking the story of Lazarus. And, I'll never skim over Lazarus again.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
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