Sunday, July 14, 2013

Beach bummed

The forecast isn't promising - rain, followed by heavy rain, followed by more rain. Not exactly the forecast you want for a week at the beach.

The beach is undoubtedly my "happiest place on earth" - slow mornings, followed by a stroll to the beach, returning for lunch and an afternoon by the pool. Clean shorts are about as "dressed up" as we get for dinner.

So, when the rain began - with no end in sight - my natural bent was to feel more than a little disappointed.

Despite the monsoon outside, I needed a walk. Being outdoors, being active always helps clear my head. Today was no different, as I splashed through the puddles.

"This is the gift I'm giving you." Maybe not an audible voice, but it was clear to me.

I was ready to gladly receive the sun-kissed arms, wet beach towels hanging everywhere, sand in my beach bag. Why not rain? It was not the gift I wanted. I thought of my children and how we've trained them to say "thank you," even if they don't like the gift they receive from someone. I am no different! I needed to thank my heavenly Father for this gift, remembering that He's the giver of all good things.

Rain at the beach is minor, trivial. But, it reminds me to thank Him for the hard things, challenges, suffering in my life. Things I want to run from instead of embrace.

He wants to bless his children. He delights in giving us good gifts.

"And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
Luke 11:9-13

Friday, February 15, 2013

Ruining the world?

Today, I helped with a garage sale to raise funds for a mission trip to Brazil. At one point, we were talking with a man who asked us to lower a price. I, in a jovial way, said we couldn't go lower because we were raising money for a good cause. When we explained that the funds were for a mission trip, he dropped the item like a hot potato, stated that people like us were ruining the world, and sadly rushed off.

Needless to say, I was saddened and surprised by his response. And, I can't stop thinking about him. I wish I had been quicker on my feet, to ask why he felt that way. Maybe to apologize for the hurt he obviously felt toward Christians.

I am so convicted that I need to be loving my neighbor in obedience to the Lord. I know that not all will believe, but I want to be faithful and obedient. I want to understand someone like this man, to step into his hurt.

As fallen people, we do make a mess of our lives. But, I believe it's through Christ alone that we have the hope of beauty from ashes, of seeing what was ruined be made beautiful by his mercy and love.

Dear sir, you were prayed for this afternoon. I pray you might meet the merciful Restorer of all things.

Friday, January 11, 2013

I missed it

Sometimes, my love for our kiddos overwhelms me. Particularly when I consider how quickly the time passes and how often I regret a word harshly spoken.

But, my love never changes. It's deep, almost painful sometimes. I want the Lord's best for them. I want all joy, peace and happiness. I want them to know they are deeply loved, by the Lord and by me.

For some reason, in all likelihood my sinfulness, I struggle to feel this love from my parents. In fact, I was struck today by the realization that they likely love me with the same passion that I love my children. How did I miss that?

In their desire for the best for me, I heard, "Do your best. Anything less is not okay." I think my pride confused, twisted their message.

I have so much to learn. (That's my life motto.)

For today, I want to learn to love my children in the way they can understand it. It does no good to say "I love you" in a language they don't speak. And, I want to have grace toward my parents, ears to hear their words of love. And security in the Lord's love if I miss them.